International Energy Agency on global warming. The growth temperature for more than two degrees will have immense consequences.
Climate Change is to blame, say experts, to 500 tons of fish mortality in the Philippines last weekend. And while local residents struggling with dead "floating" fish, the International Energy Agency (IEA) arrives alarming warning - a record of carbon dioxide recorded last year, can only increase the number of disasters. With this emission, it becomes simply impossible, they say, the maintenance of global warming under control.
Maximum temperature increase of two degrees, which took place in a climate at least somewhat tolerant framework, but now, scientists believe, is a "utopia. " Global warming greater than "threshold" level two, said the agency's chief economist Faith Bird, introduces many parts of the world in "red" zone of danger due to climate change.
The author reports on the economic consequences of climate change, Professor Lord Stern, the London School of Economics, the British "Guardian" provides that it is already certain that by 2100. The mean temperature to increase by more than four degrees Celsius.
Such a warming will disrupt the lives of millions of people around the globe, leading to mass migration and conflict. This is a risk that any normal person should be committed to reducing - warns Stern.
To be a disaster was averted, the Agency has calculated that the world had to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases in this decade to more than 32 Gigatonnes. If emissions of these gases increase by the same amount as the 2010th , the limit will be exceeded nine years ahead of schedule, which means that virtually be impossible to maintain heat at a sustainable level.
While environmentalists call for alarm, they also perceive that politicians, especially in developed economies, do not care much. Instead of worrying about reducing emissions, reaching the world for the last reserves of fossil fuels - the ice that is melting under the Arctic.
In the meantime, a number of indicators suggest that global warming is far from over. About 80 percent of power plants to be used by the 2020th already been built, or are some just build. Most of them are fossil fuel power plants, which means that it will continue to emit large amounts of carbon dioxide at least until mid-century.
This trend is now going into the hands of the "brake" the construction of nuclear power after the disasters caused by tsunami in Japan Fukushima. Many countries, led by Germany, to stop nuclear programs. Consequences - the negotiations on new global agreement on climate change under UN auspices broke into a dead end.
Climate Change is to blame, say experts, to 500 tons of fish mortality in the Philippines last weekend. And while local residents struggling with dead "floating" fish, the International Energy Agency (IEA) arrives alarming warning - a record of carbon dioxide recorded last year, can only increase the number of disasters. With this emission, it becomes simply impossible, they say, the maintenance of global warming under control.
Maximum temperature increase of two degrees, which took place in a climate at least somewhat tolerant framework, but now, scientists believe, is a "utopia. " Global warming greater than "threshold" level two, said the agency's chief economist Faith Bird, introduces many parts of the world in "red" zone of danger due to climate change.
The author reports on the economic consequences of climate change, Professor Lord Stern, the London School of Economics, the British "Guardian" provides that it is already certain that by 2100. The mean temperature to increase by more than four degrees Celsius.
Such a warming will disrupt the lives of millions of people around the globe, leading to mass migration and conflict. This is a risk that any normal person should be committed to reducing - warns Stern.
To be a disaster was averted, the Agency has calculated that the world had to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases in this decade to more than 32 Gigatonnes. If emissions of these gases increase by the same amount as the 2010th , the limit will be exceeded nine years ahead of schedule, which means that virtually be impossible to maintain heat at a sustainable level.
While environmentalists call for alarm, they also perceive that politicians, especially in developed economies, do not care much. Instead of worrying about reducing emissions, reaching the world for the last reserves of fossil fuels - the ice that is melting under the Arctic.
In the meantime, a number of indicators suggest that global warming is far from over. About 80 percent of power plants to be used by the 2020th already been built, or are some just build. Most of them are fossil fuel power plants, which means that it will continue to emit large amounts of carbon dioxide at least until mid-century.
This trend is now going into the hands of the "brake" the construction of nuclear power after the disasters caused by tsunami in Japan Fukushima. Many countries, led by Germany, to stop nuclear programs. Consequences - the negotiations on new global agreement on climate change under UN auspices broke into a dead end.