Friday, 28 December 2012

Will the machines rise up against a man?

British scientists at Cambridge University draw up a study on whether the advanced technology could lead to the destruction of human civilization. Center for the Study of existential risks (Csere) analyzed, the risk of biotechnology, artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, and climate change.

Scientists say it would be dangerous to dismiss without thought of fear potential robot uprising against mankind, the BBC reported. Fear of rebellion machine and taking control of human civilization is the main theme of many science fiction films, and the most famous system "Skynet", attacking humanity in the movie series "Terminator."

Although this is a topic in the domain of fantasy, scientists say that the concept of machines that are becoming smarter than people deserves more attention.

"It is difficult to assess the seriousness of these risks, but it is in itself a cause for concern, given what's at stake," wrote the scientists on the website dedicated to the project Csere.

This project is jointly funded by the Cambridge philosophy professor Hugh Price, professor of cosmology and astrophysics Martin Rees and co-founder of "Skype" Jan Tallinn.

"A reasonable estimate is that in the next century or intelligence to get out of the limiting framework of biology. What we are trying to do is to push the reputable scientific community," said Professor Price.

He added that with the advancement of computers and robots, people can find themselves in a situation where it will depend on the mercy "of machines that are not evil, but whose interests do not include us." The results of the study will be presented next year.

Wednesday, 26 December 2012

The biggest storm that is raging in the Solar System

Probe "Cassini", orbiting Saturn, recorded a Photo powerful storm that is raging in the northern half of the planet. In the pictures that were sent on the same day on Earth, see the tornado vortex that resembles a hurricane that Sandy has recently hit the Caribbean and U.S. East Coast.

The storm was located within a stable structure hexagonal shape on Saturn's north pole by the early eighties revealed spacecraft "Voyager." It is believed that this form a hexagonal architecture of high-speed air stream, the so-called jet streams.

Storms like this are common on many planets of the solar system, according to the astronomers, "this phenomenon is similar to the 'Cassini' recorded at the south pole of Saturn a few years ago."

Probe "Cassini" spacecraft is the first that is (1997.) Was launched into orbit this gaseous planet. Since July 2004, when he came to her, she moved more than 6.1 billion kilometers, astronomers because it came to some important conclusions about the Saturn system, including the presence of liquid hydrocarbon lakes on Titan, and water geysers on the moon Enceladus.

Monday, 24 December 2012

Lens as a cell phone screen

Scientists at the University of Ghent have developed extremely small curved screens that are integrated into contact lenses.

Wireless technology in them can show a variety of information and pictures. Professor Herbert De Smet working on developing this technology is considered that, in contrast to previous similar contact lenses in the picture which is limited to only a small number of pixels, this technology makes it possible to view the contents inside the lenses use the entire curved surface.

Saturday, 22 December 2012

Scientists find immortality gene

Tiny freshwater polyp Hydra has long caused the interest of scientists. This animal is practically immortal and shows no signs of aging.

German researchers decided to find the genetic basis of the immortality of hydra, with amazement and declared that the secret kept in FOXO gene. It is well known, since it has all the animals and man.

It turns out that this gene supports stem cells in the active force, which causes permanent tissue regeneration.

Scientists now estimate that at least will identify factors that affect the operation of FOXO genes, such as ecology, child or lifestyle.

Thursday, 20 December 2012

Russian scientists have discovered a new phenomenon in nature

Russian scientists have discovered a natural phenomenon, which promises to be revolutionary. It turned out that medicinal substances can be effective in small doses. The point is that substances dissolved in water lose their properties in proportion to the amount of water in which are dissolved. Six years of research was needed to Russian scientists to prove that in this classical way like only 25% of the solution. Because the other 75% behaves atypically, their properties vary unexpectedly. This discovery promises visible changes in medicine and pharmacology. At low concentrations of substances, side effects of medication will be kept to a minimum.

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

What happened 65 million years ago?

For decades, scientists have argued over the cause of death of dinosaurs. A new study supports the theory that they ruled volcanoes.

The volcanic activity in the region belonging to India's killed the dinosaurs, say scientists from Princeton University. Scientists, who, for years, I can not decide whether dinosaurs killed volcanoes, meteors, asteroids, or something else entirely.

Scientists at the University of Princeton argue that the huge volcanic eruption in the region known as the "Dean of the Castle" near Mumbai caused toxic pollution of sulfur and carbon dioxide gas that killed the dinosaurs 65 million years ago.

"There's simply no evidence that the Earth was hit by a large enough meteorite or asteroid would cause mass mortality of living beings. Wholly with certainty claim to have done a volcano," said geologist Gerta Keller of Princeton.

Sunday, 16 December 2012

Is the universe compute simulation?

Physicists devised new experiments to test whether the universe is a computer.

Many philosophers have long believed that it is very unlikely that we live inside the machine.

This theory argues that every civilization which evolved in the post-human phase was able to produce on a large scale simulations, simulations size of the universe. Judging by the billions of worlds, it is very possible that if something like this is possible, if it had already happened.

If so, then statistically speaking, very possible that we are in the chain of simulations within simulations. The alternative - we are the first civilization in the first universe, it's almost absurd.

Professor Martin Savage of the University in Washington believes that while our current computer simulations can model the universe on a scale atomic nucleus, but there are indications of resource limits, if any, can not tell us whether the larger models possible.

Computers that are building these simulations share space in a four-dimensional network that allows researchers to examine the force that binds subatomic particles protons and neutrons - but also allows for other things to happen in the simulation, including the development of complex physical "signature" that scientists are not programmed.

In pursuit of these "signatures" such as restrictions on energy cosmic rays, hoping to find similarities with our universe.

If these signatures appear? Certainly we are in a computer program.

"If you make a large enough simulation, much like our universe should be the end result. Addition, there is one question - is it possible to communicate with other universes if they operate on identical platforms," Savage izajvio the news agency of the University of Washington and transmits the Huffington Post.

Friday, 14 December 2012

Israeli growers perform a new type of fruit

Scientists are already twenty years of struggling with the task to create such a variety of food, which would be not only beautiful but also delicious. Tropitaja, name discovery Mizrahija Professor Yossi Ben-Gurion University of Agriculture and Josi Cafrira from the settlement Bill, I exceeded all expectations.

She has a wonderful sweet-sour taste of tropical, violet-purple and fleshy mass, similar to the kiwi.

Tropitaja is now considered one of the most useful products that can be found in nature.

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Have you heard of a new social network?

Microsoft prepares Socle - the latest social network, future rival Facebook and Twitter.

Microsoft says that Socle become a place where people share common interests. Like on Pinterest fast-growing site on the home page rotate the various posts related to religion, such as animals or music.

Socle network was launched in May as an experiment, and in that time has focused exclusively on students.


Monday, 10 December 2012

Created, best song for relaxation

The melody is called "Weightless", but experts warn that Manchester should not listen to while driving.

British scientists and musicians have created a perfect song to relax, which they say is more effective than massage.

Melody is due to specific sounds, rhythms, frequencies and intervals is ideal for
synchronization brainwaves and heart rate, leading to relaxation.

The melody is called "Weightless" , but experts warn that Manchester should not listen to while driving.

And David Lewis, a British expert on stress, stressed that "Weightless" is currently the best of the tested tunes for relaxation.

"Recordings of brain activity show that it strongly affects the brain, and not just the center of hearing but also those responsible for emotion," he said.

The respondents said that it's more relaxing melodies of nature walks, cups of tea and massages and all recently created songs that serve to relax.

Friday, 7 December 2012

Robot exercise for entry into the radioactive crater

Although he had a motor problem in the movement, Japanese scientists believe they are on the brink of sending the machine into the nuclear reactor in Fukushima.

Japanese industrial giant robot "Toshiba" on four legs, had bad luck on the first promotion - the press is stopped, so the researchers had to help him and to restart it. However, experts are sure that there will be similar problems when the robot is found in the crater of nuclear power reactors in the Japanese city of Fukushima.

Robot weighs 65 kilograms, the height of one meter, with wireless controls that issue by moving the head gear, such as those for playing video games, technology life has just begun to perform dangerous tasks in areas with high radiation - where a man would not have survived.

"We designed the robot after the incident in Fukushima, and the movement of the four legs was inspired by the animal world," the statement Goro sites worldwide Janasea, engineers' Tošibinog "branch of nuclear energy.

Four legs allow the robot to move around and up the stairs and down the stairs, to exceed the smaller obstacles, quickly changes direction. Also equipped with a mechanical arm that can manipulate, carrying a camera and equipment to detect radioactive particles.

The robot is still in prototype stage and hence no name, but I have great hopes that he will not get into one of four nuclear power reactors, which has become a source of danger after the tsunami of April 2011. in Japan. Scientists expected that this machine will only be able to be sent into the heart of the reactor in order to determine the true state of the reactor after the disaster.

Skeptics were exultant problems especially after the promotion, although experts "Toshiba" says that his main priority for the wireless network control that can operate in a radiation field. A shaky legs can be repaired and improved, say proponents of the research of the robot.

However, they point out that they need some time to test the robot before it is sent to the center of the reactor. Although scientists in Japan have some of the latest technologies and robotics champions in the production of humanoid machines, they are aware that they still have not brought to perfection robots that could withstand high radiation.

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Composite Materials in Nuclear Energy

National Research Nuclear University (MIFI) and Kurčatovski Institute completed the first phase experiments with the material that is unusual for the production of nuclear fuel cladding - a composite material based on silicon carbide.
Its application efficiency of Russian nuclear power plants would be increased to 50%.Composite materials have very broad application. Can be used in planes and cars, as well as special-purpose technologies. In nuclear energy, because of its specificity, the introduction of various innovations including those related to composites is slow and cautious, preceded him long and thorough examination. The first experiments with the new shells for nuclear fuel have shown that they support much higher temperatures than those
zirconium. Changing the material would provide greater efficiency of nuclear power plants. A representative of the center of scientific research institute Kurčatovski, Gagarinski Andrew says:
- The lining may be different. For example for the reactors with water under pressure, which are common in Russia, for making coverings used
zirconium alloys. In other reactors even possible by steel or ceramics. Each material has its advantages and disadvantages, such as plasticity and permeability. What is the downside of experts covering the reactors with water pressure? The fact that contain zirconium.

In case of damage, caused when large amounts of water vapor, zirconium reacts with hydrogen transmitted them, and that's dangerous, expert says. Steel panels are good for many characteristics, but they absorb neutrons, so Thermoreactors not match very well. Composite panels have many of these shortcomings. Their advantages are high-temperature, low degradation properties because of radiation exposure, high operating reliability and corrosion resistance.
For now, the raw material for the production of composite shipped from Japan. However, it will be in Russia launched its own production, was convinced the main expert of the Institute of Nuclear Technology Business National Research Nuclear University Valery Astafjev:
- We're in the grace period of time, at this stage we will work on complex studies of these materials without fuel. We have the opportunity for their product based on the threads, so-called reinforced lining, but for now we use the Japanese strings. If we get positive results, we will work on the Russian technology of their production.
According to expert forecasts for testing the properties of materials in terms of radiation exposure will take several years. At the same time new material to Russia for nuclear energy and tested in the U.S., France and several other European countries. This is just the beginning of an international nuclear-composite race.

Monday, 3 December 2012

When the user dies: What happens to Facebook profile?

Have you ever wondered what happens to a Facebook profile, a person who died?

Forms for the deletion, Facebook permanently delete the user account and the accomplishment of the second form, the FB profile that turns into a sort of 'profile for the memory of' the deceased person. Change the profile has become a "virtual monument 'deceased, seeing all of her friends.

When this is done to it, no one can be declared, and the wall can be written only by those who already were friends.