Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Drugs do not work in space

Research studies show that the long space missions, practically impossible, since all drugs in the universe are losing properties. We could "survive" only adrenaline and vitamins C and A.

The latest research could disperse the illusion that all are convinced that it is to send missions to Mars or building bases on the moon you only need to make bigger rockets and improve the taste of food from the tube. As the problem has proved something completely different - drugs.
The results of years of research have shown that drugs ranging from headaches to treatment - antibiotics, in space lose their properties and rapidly deteriorating.
When stored as directed, the drugs generally have to use about two years. And, some of the conditions that should be kept away from sunlight, moisture, or excessively high temperatures. But in the universe are, and astronauts and all that carry with them exposed to increased radiation, continuous mild or more vibration, and constant temperature and humidity vary.
To investigate this problem, scientists are sent into orbit four boxes with 35 different kinds of products. Boxes were placed on the International Space Station, while the Johnson Space Center left an identical set of drugs, but under controlled conditions. The boxes are coming back periodically. Some weeks after, another after two years and so have found that they all share a weakening effect, and that it is in the space station proceeded much faster.
The results obtained was very worrying, because it means that existing drugs do not survive long space missions. The only drugs that could, and then only partially, able to survive the adrenaline and vitamins C and A.