Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Asteroid threatens to hit Earth

Best European astronomers and astrophysicists are getting ready to largely man-made satellite, "Hidalgo" programmed and targeted to the 2015th The asteroid hit Apofis.

Best European astronomers and astrophysicists are getting ready to largely man-made satellite, "Hidalgo" programmed and targeted to the 2015th The asteroid hit Apofis. Because there is a possibility that this 1:250.000 celestial body hit the Earth the 2036th year.

The meeting should be like a film, as in "Armageddon" and more will all be recorded with the camera, the second satellite - "Sancho". The whole project was called "Don Quixote" and the aim is to be confirmed by the theory that the influence of the Earth can change the path of the heavenly bodies that we take a closer and threatens our planet.

In the first phase, scientists collect data to satellite "hunter" could target a target from a distance of 50 meters. "Sancho," will be accompanied by a potential target and provides information.

A satellite to "kamikaze" hit the more powerful, it will remain on the drive module, which the other satellites discarded after launch. And when it hits the enemy in space, "Sancho," will continue to record changes and send the Apofis electronic equipment that will fall near the center of the asteroid and collect additional data.

If the project is successful, could become a model of defense against any future threats to the Earth coming from the depths of space.

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