Tuesday, 5 February 2013

EU separates two billion euros for innovation

The European Commission will finance the project with partners to map the human brain and study material on "a hundred times stronger than steel."

Examination of the human brain research and outstanding characteristics of the new material Gräfin, the projects that won the European competition for funding science and each will receive one billion euros over the next 10 years, announced yesterday by the European Commission on its website.
Studies on Gräfin and mapping of the human brain have been selected in the competition which attracted 26 research proposals to the shortlist of four entered. With this announcement, the EU wants to help science on the continent to develop further.
"The 'human brain' will work to create a model of the human brain most
accurate  so far, efforts to develop and treatment of neurological diseases," said European Commission Vice-President Neelie Kroes.
Scientists gathered around the aforementioned studies used computer programs that detail the human brain studied carefully, and then make his model. The goal is to mimic the real function of the brain. As some of the researchers explained earlier, it is essential that the project is publicly funded, because computer companies and pharmaceutical giants would not be financially supported. The study brings together scientists from 87 universities and institutes.
The second project will investigate the properties of Grafina, and
super light super thin of carbon materials which explain the scientists, conducts electricity better than copper and is a hundred times stronger than steel. Is destined to be an important application in information technology. Partners in the scientific enterprise and the researchers at Cambridge, as well as experts "Nokia".
The European Commission will only partially invested in these projects, because, as the AP reports, most of the money provided by the Member States and other donors, including a company, institutes and universities.
She explained that Nellie Kroes, the aim of this fund is to "keep Europe competitive and preserve the home as excellence in science."
When it comes to innovation, the EU lags behind the U.S., and it says "New York Times", Europe is losing scientific race with Japan and South Korea, while China is rapidly catching up.

A computer that provides a natural disaster left without financial support

Scientists gathered around the project "Futurama Ai-Si-Ti" disappointed news from Brussels, because their proposal did not pass in the contest. They intend to create a supercomputer that would be able to predict natural disasters. Although he had great support from the other side of the Atlantic, "Future Ai-Si-Ti" is still left short of money. Comments from some supporters of the project are that the EU decision "shocking" and "crazy."

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