Scientists have not been able to confirm the existence of dark matter in spite of the experiment worth $ 2 billion, which was conducted on the International Space Station. However, the new theory is that dark matter could be hiding a parallel universe that could completely change the way we understand the universe.
"Behind the dark matter could be hiding a parallel world where the really interesting things happen. It could also mean that nature is much richer than we think, "said James Bullock of the University of California.
Earlier this month, an international team of scientists said that the cosmic ray detector on the International Space Station encountered the first traces of the existence of dark matter.
Physicists fields Gagnon said that the experiment could change the way we see the universe.
"Detection of dark matter would be amazing discovery, something like discovering a whole new continent. That would really open the door to a whole new world, "she said.
Dark matter is a challenge for so-called. The Standard Model of physics that helps us to identify the particles and forces that affect our daily lives, but it is insufficient for understanding the entire cosmos.
The standard model has, for example, describes how gravity and only four or five percent of matter in the universe.
The rest is dark matter, which accounts for 23 percent of the universe, and dark energy, a mysterious force that is believed to influence the expansion of the universe and that represent 72 to 73 percent of the universe.
"Now we realize that the mysterious dark matter holds together the rest of our galaxy and universe," said Turner told AFP, adding that scientists have strong evidence that the dark matter consists of something new, which does not correspond to any particle of the Standard Model.
The theory of dark matter was created 80 years ago when the Swiss astrophysicist Fritz Zvika found that in space there is not enough visible matter which should be attributed to the current strength of gravitational forces within and between galaxies.
According to some theorists, the dark matter consists of exotic particles called Wimps with weak interaction with visible matter.
"The main question is why dark matter is six times more energy than ordinary matter," said Lisa Randall of Harvard University, stating that it could be a sign that there is some other interaction that we can not detect.
In search of the phantom cells, physicists use a number of methods and instruments. One of these instruments is the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS), which is located on the International Space Station, and performing analysis of gamma rays generated by colliding particles of dark matter.
Another instrument that scientists use the Observatory at the South Pole to mark the subatomic particles (neutrinos) which, according to scientists, are created when dark matter passing through the sun and in the interaction with protons.
Another powerful tool in the service of this project is the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) near Geneva, the largest particle collider in the world with the power, the scientists believe, could break with the electrons, quarks, and neutrinos to detect dark matter.
"Dark matter particles are very difficult. This is one of the reasons why we built the LHC, not only to discover the Higgs boson," said Mary Spiropulu, professor of physics at the California Institute of Technology.
"Behind the dark matter could be hiding a parallel world where the really interesting things happen. It could also mean that nature is much richer than we think, "said James Bullock of the University of California.
Earlier this month, an international team of scientists said that the cosmic ray detector on the International Space Station encountered the first traces of the existence of dark matter.
Physicists fields Gagnon said that the experiment could change the way we see the universe.
"Detection of dark matter would be amazing discovery, something like discovering a whole new continent. That would really open the door to a whole new world, "she said.
Dark matter is a challenge for so-called. The Standard Model of physics that helps us to identify the particles and forces that affect our daily lives, but it is insufficient for understanding the entire cosmos.
The standard model has, for example, describes how gravity and only four or five percent of matter in the universe.
The rest is dark matter, which accounts for 23 percent of the universe, and dark energy, a mysterious force that is believed to influence the expansion of the universe and that represent 72 to 73 percent of the universe.
"Now we realize that the mysterious dark matter holds together the rest of our galaxy and universe," said Turner told AFP, adding that scientists have strong evidence that the dark matter consists of something new, which does not correspond to any particle of the Standard Model.
The theory of dark matter was created 80 years ago when the Swiss astrophysicist Fritz Zvika found that in space there is not enough visible matter which should be attributed to the current strength of gravitational forces within and between galaxies.
According to some theorists, the dark matter consists of exotic particles called Wimps with weak interaction with visible matter.
"The main question is why dark matter is six times more energy than ordinary matter," said Lisa Randall of Harvard University, stating that it could be a sign that there is some other interaction that we can not detect.
In search of the phantom cells, physicists use a number of methods and instruments. One of these instruments is the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS), which is located on the International Space Station, and performing analysis of gamma rays generated by colliding particles of dark matter.
Another instrument that scientists use the Observatory at the South Pole to mark the subatomic particles (neutrinos) which, according to scientists, are created when dark matter passing through the sun and in the interaction with protons.
Another powerful tool in the service of this project is the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) near Geneva, the largest particle collider in the world with the power, the scientists believe, could break with the electrons, quarks, and neutrinos to detect dark matter.
"Dark matter particles are very difficult. This is one of the reasons why we built the LHC, not only to discover the Higgs boson," said Mary Spiropulu, professor of physics at the California Institute of Technology.
Orbitally rearranged monoatomic elements are the missing mass/energy. Because these unusual configurations of elements do not have open valences science cannot detect them using normal methods.
While atomic hydrogen can be detected, molecular hydrogen cannot. Dr Marmet : We also showed that the presence of large amounts of the hard-to-detect molecular hydrogen in interstellar space could provide an alternative explanation to the Big Bang theory, by explaining the observed redshift as a result of the delayed propagation of light through space, caused by the collision of photons with interstellar matter.
Cool, thanks Kathleen Sisco for info.