Monday, 16 September 2013

Black holes are hidden in the Hadron Collider

Five years ago, was officially launched in the Large Hadron Collider, the world's largest particle accelerator, which is an organization created by the European Nuclear Research CERN. The building Collider and research involved more than 10 thousands of scientists from more than one hundred countries. Russia has also made great contributions to the construction of accelerator technology, about a thousand of Russian scientists took part in the Collider.

The device has caused a storm - the researchers calculated that with him make breakthrough discoveries, including the decipherment of birth of the Universe. At the same time the media are afraid that they will perform the world ending because of the possibility that the accelerator form a microscopic black hole that will swallow I first collider, then the whole planet. But the apocalypse did not happen. As the scientists explain, when the energy generated by the Collider actually contributed to the formation of black holes, they would show up and in cosmic rays. But so far, no holes themselves, nor any sign of their presence is not there. In addition, specially performed research process, theoretically favorable for the formation of black holes have shown these unwarranted assumptions.

Regarding the findings, although derived colossal number of papers, the real breakthrough is yet to come, convinced the head of the laboratory for relativistic physics missiles at the Institute for Nuclear Research, Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences Alexei Kurepin:

- Only our device was announced more than a hundred works. But these are all ongoing works that allow us to plan further research. We need to find such nuclear reactions that allow us to say that there are some new state of nuclear matter. We go to it now, choose those nuclear reactions kje can provide this information.

Current as of today the so-called Standard Model - the theoretical structure of elementary particles - is not conclusive. How do scientists believe, it should be part of a deeper theory of microworld construction. This is called the new physics. Scientists estimate that the research on the Big Collider allow you to get at least a hint of what the deeper theory. In the opinion of the head of department of nuclear physics and astrophysics Lebedev Physical Institute of RAS Oleg Daljkarova.

- Few processes that should be posamtrani at the Large Hadron Collider were mainly related to the attempt to find the so-called Higgs BAŽON. It is a unique particle that is responsible for all the masses of elementary particles that can be seen now. It is in a unique field that would tie all the observed particles and that these particles has been given to those properties that we know. Without the modern theory of particles up in the air.

Higgs Bazon was meant more in 1964. in the framework of the Standard Model. But the results certainly do not prove that the answer is to be a new particle or not. Now scientists have suspended the experiments in order to modernize the Large Hadron Collider. Oleg Daljkarov says:

On this day happens modernization Collider, it will lead to increased intensity and energy increased about two times. Essential works will commence 2018th year. These experiments, I believe, will focus mainly on the possible discovery of particles that provide so-called supersymmetric theories which do not fit the standard model.

Currently scientists from Russia participating in all major Collider experiments. 2012th The Russian Federation has submitted an application for entry in CERN as association participants. According to the experts, it will significantly increase the contribution to the Large Hadron Collider.



  1. Big Bang never happened & Black holes neither exist nor could exist. SR & GR proved baseless. Read & circulate .

    This confirms the alternative theory of gravity. The very space-time concept, on which theories of relativity are founded, has been mathematically, theoretically & experimentally proved as baseless and openly challenged on the basis of published scientific articles. Since the very space-time concept has been proved as baseless the question of curvature of space-time being correct does not arise. Gravity has been shown to be an electromagnetic force as foreseen by Maxwell due to the curl/vortices of aether (the electric dipoles) in the published article 'Revised Foundation of Theory of Everything: Non-living Things & Living Things' (; Sep 2010) Revised version of this article is available on vixra & General Science Journal in my profile. Standing open challenge could be seen at and

  2. Big Bang never happened & Black holes neither exist nor could exist. SR & GR proved baseless. Read & circulate .

    This confirms the alternative theory of gravity. The very space-time concept, on which theories of relativity are founded, has been mathematically, theoretically & experimentally proved as baseless and openly challenged on the basis of published scientific articles. Since the very space-time concept has been proved as baseless the question of curvature of space-time being correct does not arise. Gravity has been shown to be an electromagnetic force as foreseen by Maxwell due to the curl/vortices of aether (the electric dipoles) in the published article 'Revised Foundation of Theory of Everything: Non-living Things & Living Things' (; Sep 2010) Revised version of this article is available on vixra & General Science Journal in my profile. Standing open challenge could be seen at and
