Friday, 14 March 2014

It would only take 29 dominoes to knock over the Empire State Building

Physics can be terrifying and awesome at the same time. A single, tiny domino, only five millimeters high and a single millimeter thick could knock down a building as big as the Empire State building in just 29 steps.

Dominoes can knock over another domino up to one and a half times it's size. If you started with that small domino, about the size of a fingernail, it would only take 29 dominoes, each one one and a half times larger than the previous, to get to the size of New York's crown jewel building—and it would crumble.

Gravitational energy is stored in each domino when they are stood up, which requires just the slightest push to get the energy to spill to the side and release that energy that goes straight into the next domino it hits. With every domino the energy continues to amplify, gaining the power to knock down just about anything in it's way once it gets big enough.

The idea of massive amounts of energy getting exponentially bigger can be a terrifying thought on a grand scale.
Physics can be terrifying and awesome at the same time. A single, tiny domino, only five millimeters high and a single millimeter thick could knock down a building as big as the Empire State building in just 29 steps.
Dominoes can knock over another domino up to one and a half times it's size. If you started with that small domino, about the size of a fingernail, it would only take 29 dominoes, each one one and a half times larger than the previous, to get to the size of New York's crown jewel building—and it would crumble.
Gravitational energy is stored in each domino when they are stood up, which requires just the slightest push to get the energy to spill to the side and release that energy that goes straight into the next domino it hits. With every domino the energy continues to amplify, gaining the power to knock down just about anything in it's way once it gets big enough.
The idea of massive amounts of energy getting exponentially bigger can be a terrifying thought on a grand scale.



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