Friday, 17 June 2011

Computer cemetery damage a human DNA

Electronic waste has become a serious problem

Cemeteries electronics neobrativom water damage human DNA. Such disturbing statements made ​​by Chinese experts.

New global threat to mankind, scientists found the eponymous university Džeđanškog eastern coastal provinces of China. They were investigating the ecology that causes cancer around the big cemeteries and computer processing factory of electronic waste. Turned out to be contaminated with traces of air acting on the surface of lung tissue. Normally one of the gene permanently asleep. Under the influence of toxic impurities on the active part and provokes in the human body inflammatory processes. They lead to the formation of cancer cells.

The discovery of Chinese scientists confirmed that the mortality of oncological diseases due to poor environmental outputs in the first place among the causes of death in the world. This is the Voice of Russia said corresponding member of RAN Alexei Jablokov.

The problem of electronic waste in the last 7-8 years has become very serious in the world. A huge number of old or even very capable of working computers and mobile phones are thrown to waste. There, under the rays of the sun to begin to distinguish the poisonous dioxide. Perfect technology utilization of e-waste actually does. An urgent need for a special branch for processing and use of waste . This route is now being developed in Europe, the United States. We in Russia should be ready for that challenge.

The EU has made ​​the first attempt even if in some way solve the problem of electronic waste. Nine years ago she committed all electronics manufacturers to take responsibility on themselves for its utilization. Similar laws were passed in Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan. However it soon turned out to be more favorable to companies that perform production abroad, rather than spending resources on dismantling. It is no coincidence that they are like mushrooms after the rain began to spring up factories for making computers and mobile phones in China, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, Turkey.

In China, India and several other Asian countries there are legislative attempts to stop the inflow of e-waste, banning its imports. In practice, the law works badly. Foreign waste remain filled Asian landfill. Actually does not control the Basel Convention trans-boundary transport of hazardous waste, which came into force in 1989. year. It was not signed by the United States and a number of developed Western countries. Međtuim it is the only global agreement that will be economically motivated to ban the export of electronic waste in countries without modern technology for its utilization.

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