Sunday, 19 June 2011

Discovered "God particle"?

Scientists working on the Large Hadron accelerator (Large Hadron Collider - LHC), according to unconfirmed news now, managed to find so. God particle.

The internal report, leaked to the public, said that one of the detector accelerator of the European Center for Nuclear Research (CERN) near Geneva, recorded signals that could indicate Higgs boson for which scientists have long been searching.

One of the main scientific aims of the experiment has just proven to Higgs boson, a theoretical particle which is believed to have created the entire universe after the Big Bang.

Particles is a key part of the Standard Model that is used in physics to describe the way in which the construction of particles and atoms. Physicists believe that the invention Higgs boson may explain why objects have mass.

Rumors that the scientists at CERN find evidence of Higgs boson began to circulate after the contents of an internal report placed on the Internet, reports the London Telegraph.

Scientists, however, immediately called for caution because the results have not been properly tested and could, like many times before, only to be "false alarm ".

According to a report that appeared on the Internet, in the last experiment in the Large Collider hadron recorded the signals that have mass and other characteristics identical predictions Higgs.

Some of the aspects of signals, however, does not match the predictions, so the speed of its creation several times higher than expected, which would, on the other hand, may mean that the particles found on even where there are no theories.

Džilis James (James Gillies), an official spokesman for CERN, confirmed the authenticity of the report is the work of four scientists working on the experiment ATLAS Hadron Collider Vekog.

It is, however, he stated that it was just one of hundreds of reports that scientists continuously sent and that his check in the initial stage.

"It is too early to tell if there's something in general. The ATLAS experiment for 3,000 scientists each share analytical work, " he said Džilis, stating that each report has to go through several levels of review before publication as the official results of the entire science team.

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