Sunday, 23 October 2011

Alma telescope, seeking the origin of the universe

One of the largest scientific enterprise 21st century, Alma telescope in the desert Atacama plateau in Chile, started its work. The task of the largest and most complex ever field a radio telescope to investigate and study the processes that occurred several hundred million years after the universe when the first stars began to shine.

His work should explain the current appearance of the cosmos and the origin of life. "We will be able to see the beginning of the creation of the universe and how galaxies form first. We will find out so much about how the universe works," said Palab Ghosh, Science correspondent, who was present at the beginning of the telescope.
Alma, whose construction began in 2003, consists of a series of connected giant antenna deployed on the highest plateau in the Atacama desert, near the border of Chile and Bolivia.
In order to give the public a little insight into the work of the telescope, European Southern Observatory (ESO), one of the organizations which will operate the plant, has announced the first images recorded by the Alma and showing the collision of two galaxies. These colossal swarms of stars can be seen by optical telescopes, such as the legendary Hubble.
What distinguishes Alma, however, is that it can catch the light that is visible to the eye and make out thick clouds of cold gas from which new stars are formed.
The photographs were made using 12 antennas. The resolution and clarity of images will grow dramatically as they integrated new antennas that would by 2013. supposed to be 66th overall
Alma looks light in the millimeter and submilimeter frequency band which allows astronomers to identify the gas vortex is created at the beginning of the universe, more than 13 billion years ago and from which emerged the first stars that lit up the universe.
Astronomers will also be able to see the formation of planets around stars and to study supemassiv black hole in the center of our galaxy, which is due to dust can not see optical telescopes.
A Japanese research team plans to use for the study of Alma has a strange cosmic phenomena - particularly the light of the galaxy Himiko which annually produces about 100 sun.
In addition to being scientifically ambitious project of Alma and a miracle of technology and engineering. Pascal Martinez, the man who oversees the work of the plant, described Alma as a "pyramid of the 21st century." "The sheer size engineering project, its technical complexity and what they will achieve this hardware is innovative and built to the glory of mankind," said Martinez, whose task is to supervise the connecting antennas, each weighing about 100 tons.

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