Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Europe can be choked by ozone

The concentration of ozone will result in increased mortality of Europeans

Climate warming due to increased concentrations of ozone will result in increased mortality of Europeans. Such a perspective unhappy predicting the Old World for the next 50 years, climate scientists from the University of Umeå in Sweden. According to their estimates, is threatened by Russia.

We remember crazy summer 2010. when he was in Russia for almost 2 months was a 40-degree heat. This fall in early October in Paris and London was about 30 degrees. About global warming today, saying all. The researchers said the record for the entire history of observing the reduction of ice in the Arctic. According to forecasts, mid-century polar ice will completely melt in summer. If ocean shores flooded, considerable territory of Europe will be under water, while melting of permafrost will cause tehnogenske disaster.

But even without these cataclysms people at risk today. According to WHO estimates, climate change leads to an increase of mortality of the population. Changes in the nature affect air and drinking clean water, crops, contribute to the spread of deadly diseases. Swedish scientists have concluded that the rapid increase of ozone in the air - the greenhouse effect - would have grave consequences for the health of the population of Belgium, France, Spain and Portugal.
Ozone in the stratosphere protects us from radiation ultraviolet but tropospheric ozone is quite another thing, - says Alexey Kokorin expert.
In cities with heavy transport and industrial emissions, when the warm sunny weather, the lower layer of air is accumulated ozone. This is a serious problem for Southern Europe, but also to Moscow - hot summer days, when there are many vehicles - it is also a serious problem.
Ozone in the lower layer of air is harmful to health. It can cause diseases
respiratory ways, cancer. Another problem, linked to climate warming is a phenomenon in the Northern Hemisphere is absolutely atypical, exotic diseases. For example, in Volgograd was discovered this year, West Nile fever. The cause of the migratory birds have transferred. They were flying before, but the virus has begun to survive only now, when they made the proper temperature.
Foreign experts are concerned that climate change can cause a noticeable decrease in the population of Europe. I would not have mentioned the decline in population, however, it is a deterioration in quality of life and major medical problems, - said the Russian expert.

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